Wen Hua, Deputy Director of the Department of Environmental Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission, investigated our company


Jul 17,2024



    On the morning of May 17, Wen Hua, deputy director of the Environmental Information Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, and Zhang Zhixiang, deputy director of the Environmental Information Department of the Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, conducted an in-depth investigation of our company to understand in detail the implementation of the green low-carbon transformation strategy. Cheng Yongfei, deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal government, Ma Shiguo, director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Wu Weiran, secretary of the District Party Working Committee, and Tian Jianyin, director of the Management Committee, accompanied the investigation. Group chairman Zhang Junqiang, Junheng biological executives Zhang Zhenhui, Zhang Fen dian accompanied the research.

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